
A Palestinian Warning To Britain Just Before The 1936 Palestinian Revolt Began

With illegal immigration on the increase in Mandate Palestine and with the dark promises of the Balfour Declaration hovering over the country, Palestinians issued this formal warning to Britain that unless it changes its policies facilitating Jewish immigration to Palestine, dire consequences will ensue. As we all know, Britain never heeded this warning and the Palestinian riots engulfed Palestine from 1936-1939 in civil protest and during which innocent lives were lost.
According to British source at the time, more than 2000 Palestinians were killer and over 100 were hanged because of this Revolt. Although eventually squashed by British Forces in Palestine (some were brought in from outside the country), the consequences of this Revolt were felt in the events of the 1947-48 zionist armed invasion of the country. They have shaped this conflict ever since.


Farewell My Library!

As part of their attempts at ethnic cleansing, the Israeli Army also tackled sistematic cultural cleansing by looting and destroying book collections of expelled Palestinians during and after 1948. Below is a link to an organisation devoted to produce a movie documenting this despicable act and erasure of collective memory.

The Great Book Robbery (teaser) from Benny Brunner on Vimeo.


His Master's Voice - September 2010

This US State Department scripted and funded commercial was delivered by the so-called 'Chief Palestinian Negotiator' Dr Saeb Erekat.

Please watch it and pass it on specially to all those you know in Palestine so they realise that it is not the Israelis Erekat is 'disappointing' but his own people whom he is deceiving and selling down the drain.

But because he is doing it 'for himself', as he claims in the commercial, he becomes even more of a traitor to the thousands of massacred Palestinians, to the hundreds of thousands of farmers whose land and farm produce are being stolen every day by illegal settlers and by the Israeli State itself, to the millions of Palestinian refugees condemned to a life of misery for over 62 years, and finally, to the mothers and children of Palestine stuck at the hundreds of checkpoints and who will listen to this and ask: in whose name are you 'negotiating' Dr Erekat?

Just listen to Erekat's determined delivery and comment.


Made in Palestine

The Keffiyeh is more than just a practical headdress and over recent decades it has come to symbolise the Palestinian struggle for self-determination. The documentary looks at the last keffiyeh maker in the West Bank who has finally fallen victim to a cocktail of competition from China, globalisation and Israeli occupation.


Testimony by a Palmach Officer, Amnon Neumann

Amnon Neumann: I was in the Second, Eighth, and Ninth Battalions of the Palmach from February 1948 until my discharge in October 1949. I was there for this whole period, except for a few months after I had been wounded and after my father had passed away.

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